Bob Carpenter's Publications
- 1998. Type-Logical Semantics. MIT Press.
- 1992. The Logic of Typed Feature Structures. Cambridge University Press.
- 1989. Phrase Meaning and Categorial Grammar. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Edinburgh Centre for Cognitive Science. [postscript]
Journal Articles
- 1999. with Jennifer Chu-Carroll. Dialogue Management in Vector-Based Call Routing. Computational Linguistics. [postscript]
- 1991. The Generative Power of Categorial Grammars and Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammars with Lexical Rules. Computational Linguistics, 17:3, 301--314. [postscript]
- 1990. with Glyn Morrill. Compositionality, Implicational Logics, and Theories of Grammar. Linguistics and Philosophy 13:383--392.
- 1988. with Gerald Gazdar, Geoff Pullum, Ewan Klein, Thomas Hukari and Robert Levine Category Structures. Computational Linguistics, 14:1--19.
- 1995. with Deirdre Wheeler. A review of Steven Bird, Computational Phonology: a constraint-based approach. Computational Linguistics 21:598--603. [postscript]
Book Chapters
- 2004. Orthographic variation with Lucene. In O. Gospodnetic and E. Hatcher, Lucene in Action. Manning Press.
- 2003. Constraint-based Processing. In L. Nadel, ed., Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group. [Plain Text]
- 2003. Complexity. In R. Mitkov, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics. Oxford University Press. [postscript]
- 2000. with Jennifer Chu-Carroll, Richard Sproat, Christer Samuelsson. Computational Linguistics. In Mark Aronoff and Janie Rees-Miller, editors, Handbook of Linguistics, Blackwell. [postscript]
- 2000. with Chris Manning. Probabilistic Parsing Using Left Corner Language Models. In H. Bunt and A. Nijholt, eds., Advances in Probabilistic and Other Parsing Technologies. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 105-124.
- 1999. The Turing-completeness of multimodal categorial grammars. Papers Presented to Johan van Benthem in honor of his 50th Birthday. European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information. Utrecht. [postscript]
- 1995. with Gerald Penn. Compiling Typed Attribute-Value Logic Grammars. In H. Bunt and M. Tomita, eds., Current Issues in Parsing Technologies, Volume 2. Kluwer. [postscript]
- 1993. with Gerald Penn. Sources of Disjunction in Attribute-Value Logic Constraint Resolution. In Disjunctive Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence}. Ellis Horwood. Also presented to the 1992 European Conference on Artifical Intelligence Workshop on Disjunctive Reasoning, Vienna. [postscript]
- 1993. Skeptical and Credulous Unification with Applications to Lexical Templates and Inheritance. In T. Briscoe, A. Copestake, and V. de Paiva (eds.) Default Reasoning and Lexical Organization, Cambridge University Press. [postscript]
- 1992. Lexical and Unary Rules in Categorial Grammar. In B. Levine, (ed.), Formal Grammar: Theory and Implementation, Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science Volume II, Oxford University Press. [postscript]
- 1990. with Rich Thomason. Inheritance Theory and Path-Based Reasoning: an Introduction. In H. Kyburg and R. Loui, (eds.), Defeasible Reasoning and Knowledge Representation, Kluwer, pps. 309--344. [postscript]
Conference Papers
- 2007. LingPipe for 99.99% Recall of Gene Mentions. Proceedings of the 2nd BioCreative workshop. Valencia, Spain. [pdf]
- 2006. Character language models for Chinese word segmentation and named entity recogntion. Proceedings of the 5th ACL Chinese Special Interest Group (SIGHan). Sydney, Austrlia. [pdf]
- 2005. with Glyn Morrill. Switch Graphs for Parsing Type Logical Grammars. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Parsing Technoloties. Vancouver. [pdf]
- 2005. Scaling High-Order Character Language Models to Gigabytes. In Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics Workshop on Software. Ann Arbor. [pdf]
- 2004. Phrasal Queries with LingPipe and Lucene. Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC). Gaithersburg, Maryland. [pdf]
- 2004. with Christopher Collins and Gerald Penn. Head-driven parsing for word lattices. Proceedings of the 2004 Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Barcelona. [pdf]
- 2004. LingPipe for Biological Entity Extraction. Proceedings of the EMBO Workshop: A Critical Assessment of Text Mining Methods in Molecular Biology. Granada, Spain.
- 2002. with Sasha Caskey, Krishna Dayanidhi, Caroline Drouin and Roberto Pieraccini. A portable, server-side dialog framework for VoiceXML. International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP) 2002. Denver, Colorado. [MS word].
- 2001. with Roberto Pieraccini, Sasha Caskey, Krishna Dayanidhi, and Michael Phillips. ETUDE: A recursive dialog manager with embedded user interface patterns. Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Conference 2001 (ASRU). Keystone, Colorado. [MS word].
- 2000. with Sol Lerner and Roberto Pieraccini. Optimizing BNF Grammars through Source Transformations. ICSLP 2000. Beijing. [MS word]
- 1999. Human vsersus machine: psycholinguistics meets automatic speech recognition. Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Keystone, Colorado. [postscript]
- 1999. with Gerald Penn. ALE for Speech: A Machine Translation Prototype. Eurospeech, Budapest. [pdf]
- 1998. with Jennifer Chu-Carroll. Dialogue Management in Vector-Based Call Routing. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Montreal. [postscript]
- 1998. with Jennifer Chu-Carroll, Wolfgang Reichl, Wu Chou. Language Modeling for Content. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech and Language Processing. Sydney. [postscript]
- 1998. with Jennifer Chu-Carroll. Natural language call routing: a robust, self-organizing approach. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech and Language Processing. Sydney. [postscript]
- 1998. German Clause Structure: a type-logical account. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Germanic Syntax, European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information. Saarbruecken. [postscript]
- 1998. with Jennifer Chu-Carroll, Wu Chou, Chin-Hui Lee, Wolfgang Reichl, Antoine Saad, Qiru Zhou. A study on natural language call routing. In Proceedings of the IVTTA [postscript]
- 1997. with Chris Manning. Left-corner Language Models and Parsing. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Parsing Technology. Boston. [postscript]
- 1995. A Type-Logical Account of Plurality. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Formal Grammar. Barcelona. [postscript]
- 1995. with Paul King. The Complexity of Closed World Reasoning in Constraint-Based Grammar Theories. 4th Conference on Mathematics of Language. Philadelphia. [ascii]
- 1995. With Yan Qu. An Abstract Machine Architecture for Typed Attribute-Value Grammars. 4th International Workshop on Parsing Technology, Prague. [postscript]
- 1994. Quantification and Scoping: A deductive account. In Proceedings of the 13th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. San Diego. CSLI Press. [postscript]
- 1994. with Michael Mastroianni. Constraint-based Morpho-phonology. In Proceedings of the First ACL SIGPhon Workshop. Las Cruces, New Mexico. [postscript]
- 1993. Carpenter, B. (1993) An Attribute-Value Logic for Sets. Presented at the 3rd ASL/LSA Conference on Logic and Language, Columbus, Ohio. [postscript]
- 1993. Compilation of Typed Attribute-Value Logic Grammars for Parsing. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Parsing Technologies. Tilburg, Netherlands and Durbuy, Belgium. [postscript]
- 1992. Plurals as Further Motivation for Lambek's Abstraction. Third Conference on Mathematics of Language. Austin.
- 1991. with Carl Pollard. Inclusion, Disjointness and Choice: The Logic of Linguistic Classification. In Proceedings of the 29th ACL. Berkeley. [postscript]
- 1991. with Carl Pollard and Alex Franz. The Specification and Implementation of Constraint-Based Unification Grammars. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Parsing Technology. Cancun, Mexico.
- 1991. Linguistic Knowledge Representation and Reasoning with Hybrid Constraints. In Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Hybrid Reasoning. Asilomar. [postscript]
- 1991. Typed Feature Structures: an Extension of First-order Terms. In the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Logic Programming. San Diego. [postscript]
- 1990. with Carl Pollard. Extensionality in Feature Structures and Feature Logic. Bad Teinach Conference on Unification. Bad Teinach, Germany.
- 1989. Typed Feature Structures: Inheritance and Unification. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Inheritance and Natural Language Processing. Tilburg, The Netherlands.
- 1987. Some Lexical Issues in Categorial Grammar. Natural Language Processing, Unification and Grammatical Formalisms Workshop, Stirling, Scotland.
- 1987. with Glyn Morrill. Compositionality, Implicational Logics, and Theories of Grammar. The Linguistic Society of America and Association for Symbolic Logic Joint Conference on Logic and Linguistics. Stanford.
- 1986. A Theory of Types for Situation Semantics. Autumn 1986 meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain. Edinburgh.
Technical Reports
- 1994. Distribution, Collection and Quantification: A Type-Logical Account. [postscript]
- 1994. Quantification and Scoping: a Type-Logical Account. [postscript]
- 1994. with Michael Mastroianni. Constraint-based Morpho-phonology. [postscript]
- 1993. Compiling CFG Parsers with Prolog. [ascii].
- 1993. with Gerald Penn. Negation vs. Inequation and Typing for Linguistic Applications. [postscript]
- 1990. A Logical Reconstruction of Two-Level Phonology. [postscript]
- 2005. Contemporary Spelling Correction: Decoding the noisy channel. [ppt]
- 2005. Natural Language Processing in 2004. [ppt]
- 2004. Alias-i Linguistic Pipeline: Architecture, Algorithms and Applications. [ppt]
- 1999. with Jennifer Chu-Carroll. Spoken Dialogue Systems Tutorial. Part I: Speech and Grammar; Part II: Dialogue. Presented at the 1999 Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
[Slides I, pdf (9.5Mb)] [Slides II, pdf (1.0 Mb)] [Slides I and II, PowerPoint (10.0Mb)] [References]Open-Source Software
- LingPipe Natural Language Toolkit (Java)
- Compression via Arithmetic Coding. (Java)
- Attribute Logic Engine (ALE) (Prolog).
- Type-Logical Grammar Theorem Prover. (Prolog/CGI/HTML)
Invited Talks & Demos
- 2003. LingPipe for Entity Extraction and Coreference. (i) Thomson/WestLaw, (ii) Columbia University, (iii) New York University, (iv) AT&T Shannon Labs.
- 2003. Alias-i ThreatTrackers. (i) HLT-NAACL 2003 (demo)
- 2002. Linguistic Methodology meets Language Reality. Presented at PACLing, NYU Linguistics Dept. Carnegie Mellon University Language Technology Institute. [ppt]
- 2002. A coordinated Multi-modal Speech and GUI Interface for MapQuest (demo). (i) Association for Computational Linguistics, Pittsburgh.
- 2000. Spoken User Interfaces. Stanford Computer Science Department Seminar on People, Computers and Design. [html]
- 1999. Tagging and Parsing Word Graphs. Workshop on Efficient Language Processing with High-level Grammar Formalisms. Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany. [ppt]
- 1998. Natural Language Call Routing. (i) AT&T Shannon Labs, (ii) IBM Watson Research Lab, (iii) TRINDI Workshop, Amsterdam. (iv) Rutgers University Cognitive Science Colloquium.
- 1998. ALE for Generation. (i) University of Columbia Computer Science Department.
- 1997. Verb Phrase Ellipsis in Type-Logical Grammar. Fourth Roma Workshop on Logic and Grammar. Rome.
- 1995. Commentary on Clause Union and Argument Structure. First International Conference on Formal Grammar. Barcelona.
- 1995. The Logic of Grammar. (i) Tenth Amsterdam Colloquium. (ii) University of Rochester. (iii) University of Indiana Logic Colloquium. (iv) University of Maryland Cognitive Science Colloquium.
- 1992. Constraint-based Reasoning, Partial vs. Total Information and the Closed World Hypothesis. MAIS Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Information Structures. Abingdon, England.
- 1994. A Type-Logical Approach to Islands to Extraction. Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh.
- 1994. Completeness in the Grammar of Quantificaiton. Workshop on Logic, Structures and Syntax. Amsterdam.
- 1994. Principle-Based Parsing of HPSG. The Seventh Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. New York.
- 1994. Typed Feature Structures: Parametric, Inheritance-based Types. (i) Computer Science Department, Technion, Haifa, Israel. (ii) Institute for Language, Logic and Information, Amsterdam. (iii) Computer Scinece Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
- 1994. with Michael Mastroianni. A Constraint-Based Approach to Metrical Phonology. (i) Linguistics Department, University of Pittsburgh. (ii) Institute for Speech and Language, University of Utrecht.
- 1993. The Interpretation of Lexical Rules in HPSG. Workshop on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Linguistic Institute, Columbus, Ohio.
- 1993. The ALE System and Grammar Engineering. European Advisory Group for Language Engineering Systems Workshop, Saarbruecken. In Report of the EAGLES Workshop on Implemented Formalisms at DFKI, Saarbruecken, R. Backofen, H.-U. Krieger, S. P. Spackman, and H. Uszkoreit, eds., DFKI Research Report D-93-27.
- 1993. Quantifiers in Categorial Grammar and Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. (i) HPSG/CG Mini-Conference, Linguistic Institute, Columbus, Ohio. (ii) HPSG/CG Mini-Conference II, European Society for Language, Logic and Information Summer School, Lisbon.
- 1993. Search and Constraint-Based Linguistic Theories. (i) Association for Computational Linguistics Program Committee Mini-conference, University of Rochester. (ii) University of Tuebingen, Seminar fuer Sprachwissenschaft. (iii) University of Amsterdam, Philosophy Department.
- 1993. Compiling Attribute Value Logics for Parsing. (i) University of Tuebingen, Seminar fuer Sprachwissenschaft. (ii) European Society for Language, Logic and Information Workshop on Attribute-Value Logics, Lisbon.
- 1993. A Decidable Set Description Language. (i) University of Indiana, Logic Group. (ii) University of Tuebingen, Seminar fuer Sprachwissenschaft.
- 1993. Feature Structures and Attribute-Value Logics vs. First-Order Terms. Seminar fuer Sprachwissenschaft Anniversary and Review Board Conference, University of Stuttgart.
- 1993. Plurals in Categorial Grammar. (i) Ohio State University, Linguistics Department. (ii) University of Indiana, Linguistics Department. (iii) University of Amsterdam, Philosophy Department. (iv) University of Groningen, Alfa Informatica. (1994)
- 1993. with Gerald Penn. Implementing HPSG in the Attribute Logic Engine. Workshop on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Linguistic Institute, Columbus, Ohio.
- 1992. Constraint Resolution and the Theory of HPSG I/II. I: Computer Science and II: Linguistics Departments, Catalan Polytechnic University, Barcelona.
- 1992. Resolving Multiple `Levels' of Linguistic Constraints from Phonology to Pragmatics. (i) European Science Foundation Conference on Language, Logic and Information, Grenoble. (ii) Ohio State University Linguistics Department. (iii) Bell Laboratories.
- A Lambek Categorial Grammar Approach to Plurals. Linguistics Department, Ohio State University.
- 1991. Classification Systems and Lexical Organization. University of Amsterdam, Alfa Informatica.
- 1991. Introduction to Inheritance / Default Unification. ACQUILEX Workshop on Lexical Defaults. Cambridge.
- 1990. Typed Unification-Based Grammars. European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information Workshop, Leuven.
- 1989. A Skeptical Theory of Non-monotonic Reasoning. European Summer School in Language, Logic and Information Workshop, Groningen.
- 1989. Unification-Based Cooper Storage with Events. University of Pennsylvania, Cognitive Science.
- 1988. Lexical and Unary Rules in Categorial Grammar. (i) Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. (ii) Linguistics Department, Ohio State University. (iii) Linguistics Department, University of California, Los Angeles.
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