For a full list, see my Google Scholar page.
I’m best known for Stan. This is the top-level systems overview paper.
- Carpenter B, Gelman A, Hoffman MD, Lee D, Goodrich B, Betancourt M, Brubaker M, Guo J, Li P, Riddell A. 2017. Stan: A Probabilistic Programming Language. Journal of Statistical Software. 2017 76(1).
I also wrote the bulk of the language documentation.
- Stan Development Team. 2021. Stan Language User’s Guide and Stan Language Reference Manual and Stan Functions Reference.
I developed the first version of our automatic differentiation library; it came a long way before this paper, and has come a long way since.
- Carpenter, B., Hoffman, M.D., Brubaker, M., Lee, D., Li, P. and Betancourt, M. 2015. The Stan Math Library: Reverse-mode automatic differentiation in C++. arXiv 1509.07164.
Bayesian Methodology
This paper gathers a bunch of thoughts on how we actually do Bayesian data analysis and predictive inference; we have a contract to turn this into an open-access book with CRC.
- Gelman, A., Vehtari, A., Simpson, D., Margossian, C.C., Carpenter, B., Yao, Y., Kennedy, L., Gabry, J., Bürkner, P.C. and Modrák, M., 2020. Bayesian workflow. arXiv 2011.01808.
Applied Statistics
Recent work on adjusting for non-representative samples with noisy testing.
- Gelman, A. and Carpenter, B., 2020. Bayesian analysis of tests with unknown specificity and sensitivity. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C 69(5).
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about crowdsourced and “expert” data coding/labeling/annotation:
- Passonneau, R.J. and Carpenter, B., 2014. The benefits of a model of annotation. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2:311–326.
Natural language and programming languages
My very first paper was built up my fixing the typed data structures in Gazdar et al.’s book.
- Gazdar, G., Pullum, G.K., Carpenter, R., Hukari, T.E. and Levine, R.D. 1988. Category structures. Computational Linguistics 14(1).
I kept at data structures for linguistics, eventually writing a whole book treating them as base types for logic programs.
- Carpenter, B., 2005. The Logic of Typed Feature Structures: with Applications to Unification Grammars, Logic Programs and Constraint Resolution. Cambridge University Press.
I worked on type theory, linear logic, and categorial grammars, which I brought together in this monograph.
- Carpenter, B. 1997. Type-Logical Semantics. MIT Press.