Bob's Dossier

The Dossier format is used by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette to interview well-known people around Pittsburgh, such as myself.

Name: Robert Lee Carpenter

Born: November 2, 1963; Detroit, Michigan, USA

Accomplishment you're proudest of: Remaining open minded as I grow older.

First job: I babysat, collected newspapers for recycling, delivered newspapers, and sold an animatedk movie to TV before high school, but didn't have a real job until I was 16. I can't remember if it was being a little league baseball umpire (damn those competitive parents), a cinema usher (damn those drunk patrons and the movie Blues Brothers, which I saw a gazillion times), or a silk screen t-shirt re-toucher for the Athletic Supporter (I can still smell the chemicals -- we did the bones, organs and tuxedo t-shirts -- look for the logo in the lower left corner).

Secret vice: The Science Show on Christian TV. It's a gas. Most of my real vices are public.

What three words describe you best: Mr. Bob Carpenter (do a web search and see)

Dream vacation: Anywhere that's urban. Paris, London, Amsterdam, New York, ... I'm dying to go to India and the Far East -- I've only gotten as far East as Turkey and as far West as San Francisco.

What you'd like to get around to doing one of these days: dunking a basketball

Things you can do without: bureaucracy and rigid rules

Things you can't do without: e-mail

People you'd most like to have dinner with: Richard Feynman, Isaac Newton and Rene Descartes

Movie you could see any time: All that Jazz (I have other favorite movies.)

TV show you try not to miss: I'm trying to give up TV, really. But the real answer is Star Trek (followed closely by Seinfeld and Dream On) Or any of the major sports finals, especially the NBA.

Three things that can always be found in your refrigerator: (1) Indian Chili Garlic Paste (thanks to Mukesh Patel's mother, who makes it in India), (2) Coca-Cola and Peet's Coffee, (3) film

Who would play you in the movies: Paul Newman somewhere between The Hustler and The Sting days. I'd take Cary Grant if Paul was busy. I imagine Denzel Washington would do a good job, too.

Pittsburgh's best-kept secret: Candelight dinner's at our place.

Your pet peeve about Pittsburgh: It's so provincial.

People may be surprised to know that: I hate playing with computers.

What do you do on Saturday: sleep

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