by Bob Carpenter.
This document describes how Prolog can be used as part of the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) [for more information on CGI, check out the University of Kansas CGI Intro or the NCSA CGI Intro] in order to process HTML Forms . As an example, we use the Type-Logical Grammar Theorem Prover .
The first component of the system is an HTML form. Forms allow several ways of graphically structuring information for a user to select or input. The following form is the one used by the Type-Logical Grammar Parser:
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/cgparser"> <TABLE> <TR><TD> <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=inputfrom VALUE="Typing"> </TD> <TD> <b>Input:</b> </TD> <TD> <INPUT SIZE=20 NAME=parsestringone VALUE=""> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=inputfrom VALUE="Corpus" CHECKED> </TD> <TD> <b>Select:</b> </TD> <TD> <SELECT NAME=parsestringtwo SIZE=4> <OPTION SELECTED> Sandy ran <OPTION> Sandy likes Terry <OPTION> the kid ran <OPTION> Sandy likes the picture of Terry <OPTION> the kid in Pittsburgh </SELECT> </TABLE> <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Parse String"> <INPUT TYPE=reset VALUE="Reset Input"> <BR> <b>Output Style</b>: <SELECT NAME="outputform"> <OPTION SELECTED> Prawitz <OPTION> Fitch <OPTION> Text </SELECT> <b>Target Category</b>: <SELECT NAME="outputsyn"> <OPTION SELECTED>Any <OPTION>Finite S <OPTION>Noun Phrase </SELECT> <b>Expand Meanings</b>: <SELECT NAME="expandmng"> <OPTION SELECTED>No <OPTION>Yes </SELECT> </FORM>
Note that the form begins with a FORM declaration. When the user submits the form, its content will be sent to the program declared by the ACTION field of the FORM command. In this case, it is a Unix shell script called cgparser, but it could be another program itself.
The form itself is organized using HTML tables, which introduce the commands TABLE (table environment), TR (table row) and TD (table datum).
Forms provide a number of formats for allowing the client to send information to the server. In the example above, we have radio buttons, scrollable selected inputs, typed inputs, submit and reset buttons, and pull-down input selection.
First note the radio buttons which allow a selection between the typing input and selecting from a list. The form handler detects which radio button is selected and performs the appropriate action. Note that a radio button has a NAME and a VALUE. Radio buttons with the same NAME are linked in such a way that selecting one unselects the others. The VALUE determines what is sent to the form handler if the button with that VALUE is selected. Also note the field CHECKED, which determines which value starts out selected and which one becomes selected if the input is reset.
The first radio button is lined up with an INPUT field. An INPUT without a TYPE allows the user to type in free text. The NAME is as with radio buttons, and the initial value is set to the null string in this case.
The second radio button is lined up with a SELECT environment. If a SIZE value is given to a SELECT environment, it appears as a scrollable field that highlights the input selected with the number of inputs given by SIZE displayed at once. Each element is listed as an OPTION. The option that is SELECTED is initially highlighted and selected.
The next two buttons are INPUTS of TYPE submit and reset respectively. The VALUEs of these fields determine the text displayed on the buttons. The submit INPUT, when clicked on by the client, submits the form data for processing. The reset INPUT, causes all the form elements to revert to their initial, default values. In some browsers, a carriage return has the same behavior as clicking the submit button.
The remaining elements are all pull-down lists. They behave just as the scrollable SELECT environments, but only display the element that is currently selected (initially, the one declared SELECTED).
In general, an HTML document may contain more than one form element, each of which is independent. And forms may be embedded in documents, as with the one above, which is live.
With Netscape 2.0, it is possible to have forms direct their output to (1) overwrite the location where the form resides, (2) spawn a new window for output, or (3) direct the results to a frame within a netscape browser. The above form used the overwrite option. To spawn a new window, you can use TARGET="_blank". To learn more about frames, see Netscape's Introduction to Frames.
When a form is submitted (by pressing the submit button or in some cases executing a carriage return), much the same thing happens as when any anchor is called. A URL is submitted by the client for processing. The URL submitted for the default values of the form given above is as follows: that the first portion of the URL, before the ?, is just the one given by the URL in the ACTION field of the FORM command (note that we have used a relative URL). It is conventional to have a directory called cgi-bin in which the form handlers reside, but it is merely a convention and not necessary.
The portion of the URL after the ? encodes the output of the form as a string. Note that the basic structure is a list of key/value pairs of the form Key=Value, separated by ampersands (&). Note that spaces are coded using the plus sign (+). Other special characters get three-character encodings beginning with a percent sign (%).
Unlike other URLs, form handlers are executed rather than treated as HTML. In our case, we have used the following Unix shell script (thanks to Chris Manning for this). Again, shell scripts are a typical way of handling forms, but they can also be handled with C or Perl programs, etc. The shell script for this system is as follows (if you copy, be sure to replace the commands for left and right brackets with the real brackets):
#!/bin/sh echo Content-type: text/html echo echo "CG Parse Results " cd /usr/user/carp/CGParser /usr/contributed/bin/sicstus -r /usr/user/carp/CGParser/test3 -a "$QUERY_STRING"
The key to understanding CGI is that any output directed by this script to the standard output will be interpreted as an HTML document, including the output of programs called by the shell script. Thus the next three lines, beginning with echo, simply indicate that the content is HTML and that the title of the HTML document is CG Parse Results.
The final action of the shell script is to call a Prolog process. We have used SICStus Prolog, and the format for sending command lines to other versions of Prolog may vary. The first part of this line simply indicates the location of sicstus on our server. The -r argument indicates that a Prolog saved state should be loaded, in the case, one called test3. The final command line argument, the -a declaration, passes the environment variable $QUERY_STRING to the Prolog process. The value of $QUERY_STRING is the portion of the URL occurring after the question mark.
In SICStus Prolog, the -a command line argument will be accessible to Prolog through the goal prolog_flag(argv,[Arg]), which instantiates the variable Arg to the string following the -a. As with other compilers, the input must be tokenized (broken down into constituent symbols) and then parsed (the symbols organized structurally). Then, once the structured CGI input is recovered, any action performable in Prolog can be executed by Prolog with any output being interpreted as HTML.
The way in which this is all accomplished is by having the Prolog saved state, upon startup, perform all of these actions. This can be managed by using the following clause to create the saved state:
make_savedstate:- save(test3), start_up.% This causes the state of the program to be saved in a file test3. Because Prolog saves the entire state, it saves the fact that the goal start_up/1 must be executed as soon as the saved state is resumed. The predicate start_up/1 performs the necessary actions, and is defined as follows:
start_up:- prolog_flag(argv,[Arg]), ( tokenizeatom(Arg,TokenList) ; write('Input '), write(Arg), write(' could not be tokenized'), ttyflush, halt ), ( parse_cgi(TokenList,KeyVals) ; write('Tokens '), write(TokenList), write(' could not be parsed'), halt ), ( action(KeyVals) ; told, write('Action '), write(KeyVals), write(' could not be executed') ), halt.This causes the command line argument to be retrieved. Next, it is tokenized by tokenizeatom/2 and then parsed using parse_cgi/2, and then acted upon by action/1. Then Prolog must halt. If either tokenization or parsing fails, or the call to action/1 does not succeed, an error is returned.
Tokenization is carried out by the following clauses:
% tokenizeatom(+Input:<atom>, -Tokens:<list(<token>)>) % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % breaks input Input into list of tokens; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tokenizeatom(Atom,Ws):- name(Atom,Cs), tokenize(Cs,Xs-Xs,Ws). % tokenize(+Chars:<list(<char>)>, +CharsSoFar:<d_list(<char>)>, % -Tokens:<list(<token>)>) % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Tokens is the list of tokens retrieved from Chars; ChrsSoFar % accumulates prefixes of atoms being recognized % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tokenize([C1,C2,C3|Cs],Xs-Ys,TsResult):- % special symbol name('%',[C1]), specialsymbol(C2,C3,SpecialSymbol), !, ( Xs = [] -> TsResult = [SpecialSymbol|TsOut] ; Ys = [], name(CsAtom,Xs), TsResult = [CsAtom,SpecialSymbol|TsOut] ), tokenize(Cs,Zs-Zs,TsOut). tokenize([C|Cs],Xs-Ys,TsResult):- % one-character operator isoperator(C), !, name(OpToken,[C]), ( Xs = [] -> TsResult = [OpToken|Ts] ; Ys = [], name(CsAtom,Xs), TsResult = [CsAtom,OpToken|Ts] ), tokenize(Cs,Zs-Zs,Ts). tokenize([C|Cs],Xs-[C|Ys],Ts):- % more of string tokenize(Cs,Xs-Ys,Ts). tokenize([],Xs-_,[]):- % no more input; nothing accum. Xs = [], !. tokenize([],Xs-[],[CsAtom]):- % no more input; stringg accum. name(CsAtom,Xs). % isoperator(+Char:<char>) % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Char is the name of an operator character % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- isoperator(Char):- name(Op,[Char]), isoptab(Op). isoptab('%'). isoptab('+'). isoptab('&'). isoptab('='). % specialsymbol(+C1:<char>, +C2:<char>, -S:<token>) % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % C1 and C2 are the names of characters completing a % special symbol % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- specialsymbol(C1,C2,S):- name(N1,[C1]), name(N2,[C2]), ( sstab(N1,N2,S), ! ; S = spec(N1,N2) ). sstab(2,'C',','). sstab(2,'F','/'). sstab(2,8,'('). sstab(2,9,')'). sstab(5,'B','['). sstab(5,'C','\\'). sstab(5,'D',']'). sstab(3,'D','='). sstab(3,'E','>').The tokenization begins by converting the atom into a list of ASCII representations using name/2. Then tokenize/3 is called. The first argument is a list of characters remaining to be tokenized, the third argument is the sequence of tokens recovered, and the second argument is a difference list accumulator for partial tokens. The only trick here is to recognize special symbols and operators. The special symbols are three-character URL encodings of charactes such as punctuation and brackets. The operators must also be reocgnized. These involve the = for key/value pairs and the + for spaces. Everything else is assumed to be part of a string token. The tokenization of the string above is the following Prolog list:
The parser used is a straightforward DCG taking the tokenized string as input. As is standard in Prolog compilers, the arguments of the non-terminals encode the structures derived. The parser has been specialized to return the appropriate structures to Prolog. This specialization begins with the non-terminal val/1, which looks for a single value. It can parse standard Prolog terms, but does not have precedence built in in order to deal with infix operators properly without bracketing. The grammar could be modified in a straightforward way to deal with precedences in the usual way.
% parse_cgi(+TokenList:<list(<token>)>, -KeyVals:<list(<keyval>)>) % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % KeyVals is Key/Val list resulting from parsing TokenList using % the compiled DCG to perform a top-down parse % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- parse_cgi(TokenList,KeyVals):- keyvalseq(KeyVals,TokenList,[]). % Grammar for Parser % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- keyvalseq([KeyVal|KeyVals]) --> keyval(KeyVal), andkeyvalseq(KeyVals). keyvalseq([]) --> []. andkeyvalseq(KeyVals) --> ['&'], keyvalseq(KeyVals). andkeyvalseq([]) --> []. keyval(key(Key,Val)) --> [Key,'='], valseq(Val). valseq([Val|Vals]) --> val(Val), plusvalseq(Vals). valseq(Vals) --> plusvalseq(Vals). plusvalseq([]) --> []. plusvalseq(Vals) --> ['+'], valseq(Vals). optplus --> []. optplus --> ['+']. val(X) --> ['['], valseq(X), [']']. val(der(X)) --> [der,'('], valseq(X), [')']. val(X) --> atomval(X). val(X/Y) --> atomval(X), ['/'], atomval(Y). val(Y\X) --> atomval(Y), ['\\'], atomval(X). val(X-Y) --> atomval(Y), ['-'], atomval(X). val(Term) --> atom(Fun), ['('], argvals(Args), [')'], {Term =.. [Fun|Args]}. argvals([]) --> []. argvals([Arg|Args]) --> val(Arg), commaargvals(Args). commaargvals(Args) --> [','], argvals(Args). commaargvals([]) --> []. atomval(X) --> atom(X). atomval(X) --> ['('], val(X), [')']. atom(X) --> [X], {atomic(X)}.After parsing, the above form output looks as follows:
[key(parsestringone,[]),key(inputfrom,[Corpus]),key(parsestringtwo,[Sandy,ran]),key(outputform,[Prawitz]),key(outputsyn,[Any]),key(expandmng,[No])]After this structure has been recovered, application-specific actions can be taken on the input, with anything written to the standard output being interpreted as HTML.
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